above image from somewhere I was looking the other day, don't know where
the balloon tires indicate early 1910's? The wire wheels were very rare before the 1930s though. Pretty strange all the way around.
Steve found out what it was though, the Maxwell Briscoe 12 made for the 1906 Vanderbilt Cup, and a good write up (of course) at http://theoldmotor.com/?p=891 who also had the below image
The Maxwell-Briscoe Company from New York decided to enter the 1906 Vanderbilt Cup by building two cars, one with eight cylinders and the other with twelve. The latter employed and engine of boxer layout with radiators attatched to the cylinder head and extending upwards.
the balloon tires indicate early 1910's? The wire wheels were very rare before the 1930s though. Pretty strange all the way around.
Steve found out what it was though, the Maxwell Briscoe 12 made for the 1906 Vanderbilt Cup, and a good write up (of course) at http://theoldmotor.com/?p=891 who also had the below image
The Maxwell-Briscoe Company from New York decided to enter the 1906 Vanderbilt Cup by building two cars, one with eight cylinders and the other with twelve. The latter employed and engine of boxer layout with radiators attatched to the cylinder head and extending upwards.
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